Shy but Suave Senior Session

Guys senior sessions are some of the most challenging for a photographer. When guys try to be photogenic, they turn out looking like an Abercrombie shot gone wrong or a tepid remake of their 4th grade portraits — there seems to be no in between. Getting authentic emotion in our photos is so important at Raney Day Photography. Drawing a shy senior like Reid out of their shell is our specialty — so whether you need last-minute head shots for scholarship season, a group shoot to celebrate your lifelong friends or an early shoot for a 2019 senior, we’re here for you!

Wistful Wanderer Freebie

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

When this business was but a lazy Sunday brainchild, I began asking myself — Why not me? This little freebie is to remind you of your worth, creativity and lust for life every time you open your phone. Enjoy!